The world is not what was when 2020 started. Just about every human and animal, for that matter, has felt the impact of the Covid-19 global pandemic. Whether you’ve lost a loved one to the virus, lost your job, become a homeschool teacher, or simply can’t do the things you love to do because of the stay-at-home orders/restrictions put in place during the outbreak, chances are this pandemic has touched you in some way. For those that already had a predisposition to high anxiety before, this is not what you were hoping for if you sat out to improve your mental health in 2020. And for those that didn’t have trouble with their anxiety prior to Covid-19, chances are you’re feeling anxious at times as well with all the uncertainty in the world.
The following is just a recommendation and in no way should be in lieu of a medical professional’s advice.
1. Get daily exercise (preferably outside)
The CDC and World Health Organization (WHO) have both recommended daily exercise to help reduce your anxiety and keep you healthy during the quarantine. Chances are you have more time on your hands than you did before. Use this time to better yourself and learn how to live a healthy lifestyle. YouTube has a plethora of home workouts that you can do with little to no equipment right in your living room. But you do need to get outside and soak up some vitamin D as well, even if it’s just in your backyard. If you do go out for a run or walk, practice social distancing and go for it. Runner’s high is a real thing!
Regular physical activity benefits both the body and mind. It can reduce high blood pressure, help manage weight, and reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and various cancers – all conditions that can increase susceptibility to COVID-19.
-The World Health Organization
2. Stay away from the news
Let’s face it, we are living in the golden age of television. There are more shows now than ever so the old “there’s nothing else on” excuse can be thrown out the window. With streaming services and the nearly limitless number of channels all at your fingertips, there’s plenty of shows out there to keep you entertained during the time you would normally sit down to watch the news.
You may want to stay away from movies like Outbreak or Contagion and stick to the more light-hearted comedies though. Check out this list of 38 TV shows to watch during quarantine from Buzzfeed.
Unless there is a major breaking event or something happening in your area, stay away from the 24/7 news cycle that seemingly wants to pull us apart, rather than bring us together during these times.
3. Have you tried CBD?
One of the many benefits CBD has shown to potentially offer includes helping with anxiety and coping with stress in humans and animals. Timberline CBD has a daytime formula, Daybreak, that is a blend of CBD and CBG, both of which combine to provide the maximum level of benefits.
A study published in 2014 showed that CBD oil does provide anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects.
4. Call a loved one
Human interaction is important, especially in times of stress. We’ve essentially been cut off from human interaction over the past 3 months and if you’re someone that gets joy from simple conversations and being around people, this lack of interaction can certainly increase your anxiety. Next time you’re about to like a family member or friends post on social media, stop. Instead, pick up the phone and call them. See how they are doing. See what kind of fun projects around the house they’ve been up to or maybe even plan a Zoom happy hour!
5. Keep essential foods stocked
We all saw the empty toilet paper aisles at the store when the regulations were first put in place. This was a panic buy for people that were worried about supply and wanted to make sure they were stocked up. While it was a little extreme, especially those filling their entire garages, it is a good idea to stock up on frozen and non-perishable essential food items. Frozen vegetables and fruit, canned goods, pasta, and peanut butter are a good starting point for your shopping list. Here’s a solid list of pantry items you can stock up on from Real Simple.
A stocked pantry and freezer is not going to solve all of your problems, but if you are triggered with the idea of not having enough food, it could help lower your anxiety during the quarantine.
6. Get sleep
Easy said than done, especially if your anxiety has spiked during the pandemic. There are ways you can at least give yourself a fighting chance to get better sleep to lower your anxiety. We discuss them here in this blog post titled, Better quarantine sleep can be yours with these 7 strategies – including CBD oil for nighttime.
Sleep is an essential part of your health and wellness. If you’re not sleeping during the pandemic, it’s only going to increase your chances of spiking your anxiety levels.
7. Avoid too much alcohol
This may seem like a no-brainer, but alcohol sales have spiked during the pandemic and so has “day drinking” since everyone is at home all day. Alcohol is a depressant and will only lead to more health issues. There are ways to drink in moderation and still have a good time in your home, but you have to know your limits and what triggers may arise if you start drinking. There are online AA classes that you can sign up for in your area if you need additional help.
8. Seek support from a mental health professional
While most medical offices are starting to open back up, the fear of going back out again is still real in a lot of people. We’ve all heard stories about people who have not left their house during the entire pandemic due to their anxiety about going out and getting sick. This fear is real and it’s okay to be this way. The world is a scary place right now and if you feel you’re not mentally stable enough to be in it, you should seek support from a mental health professional.
Many mental health professionals are offering their services via telehealth platforms so you can do this from the comfort of your home and feel safe.
As we at Timberline CBD continue to research and provide you with the most up-to-date information we can find on the ingredients we offer in our products, we encourage you to check with your own doctor before adding any medication or supplement to your regimen.